Those people lucky enough to call Seattle home understand the region’s natural appeal. We’re surrounded by trees and hiking trails and have some of the most exciting cultural developments in the Pacific Northwest. It’s also home to one of the most unpredictable climates around. That’s all right, though—there are steps you can take to control the temperature in your Seattle home, including using fans and AC units.
Tips for those with central air
If you’re one of the people with central air in your home, then controlling your household temperatures shouldn’t prove much of a challenge. The most important thing to remember is to avoid putting too much stress on your AC during the summer months.
During the more temperate spring and fall months, you might even consider adjusting the temperature on your thermostat to keep it from turning on automatically. This can extend the life of your AC without sacrificing comfort.
When you’re not relying solely on your air conditioning, you can take some of the following steps to regulate the temperature in your home.
No central air? No problem
Many homes throughout the Seattle area are gorgeous, sturdy old homes that have been around for decades, even before the advent of central air. As a result, you’ll want to use a mixture of time-tested strategies, as well as fans and AC units in Seattle.
The 80-degree rule
While the temperature is below 80 degrees, your best bet is to throw back the curtains, open the windows and allow the fresh summer or fall breeze to flow through your home. Ceiling and floor fans can be used to augment and reinforce this airflow.
Once the temperature goes above 80, you might find some benefit to a strategy that seems counterintuitive. That is, once the temp reads 81, close up your windows and draw your curtains. This will prevent sunlight from flooding into your home and heating it up more than is comfortable.
While everything is closed up, you can rely on your fans to make sure cool air continues to waft through your home.
Consider an AC unit
When the weather soars into the 90s, there is little you can do to prevent discomfort without grabbing an air conditioner (or four). Modern window AC units come in a variety of shapes and sizes that will fit any window. A lot of Seattle residents without central air find that at least one AC unit in the bedroom can make all the difference when it comes to weathering those hot summer nights.
Let us help!
At Stewart Lumber and Hardware Co., we have a massive selection of fans and AC units in Seattle that will make this summer and fall the most comfortable ever. One trip inside is all it takes to get exactly what you need to regulate the temperature in your home.
While you’re here, you can take advantage of the knowledge of our friendly team. Staying cool doesn’t have to be a challenge. Let us help—you won’t regret it!